Saturday, June 25, 2011

Teen Wolf Season 1 Episode 5 Ready to bring frantic chases

Show your inner strength and never fair to fight on what you believe in. Last week, the new television series Teen Wolf gives us new thing to look forward and something to talk about. Who would think that werewolves had their own weakness base on what we have watched, we can say that they fear the hunters gun who never throw jokes when pointed upon them. And let us not forget the mysterious wolf who was trying to grab a lady inside her car however the girl himself manages to scare this by grabbing her gun. Meanwhile Derek is in the shadows tracking the werewolf and while jumping across the roof he takes a bullet in the arm and falls.

Now you are wondering of who shoots Derek but you see guys, it wasn’t that a big question for us anymore because we already know whose family have this crazy cravings of haunting the werewolves pack. Aside from that, Scott was starting to be like fool teen as he finds Kate’s family amazing. Whoa, does he know that the man hates wolves or he was just trying to be cool to gain some points?

I really don’t know what to believe but giving us different twist of werewolves’ things, that is more I like it. If you want to join the weekly servings, simply watch Teen Wolf season 1 episode 5: The Tell online and discover something that no one ever tried to tell.

Teen Wolf Season 1 Episode 5: The Tell will be airing this coming Sunday, June 27, 2011.

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